It’s getting close to publication day for the thirteenth Inspector McLean novel. Are you excited yet? I’ll be launching the book at Waterstones West End in Edinburgh on publication day – Thursday 15th February. If you’re in town that day, why not come along? Details and tickets here.
The days are ticking down now to the publication of Inspector McLean book 13 – For Our Sins. You lucky people will be able to find out what’s happened to Tony and his colleagues in the almost two years since All That Lives ended on a bombshell. UK readers have been able to pre-order the […]
End of an era
Today I have had to say goodbye to my black Patterdale terrier, Tegid. Technically my partner’s dog, he has been pretty much my constant companion for the past thirteen and a half years. I bought him for her birthday, back in July 2010. We’d not long lost our previous Patterdale, Mortimer, and missed having a […]
Farewell, my lovelies
It’s been a while coming, but I have finally made the decision to no longer update my Twitter account @SirBenfro. I’m not shutting the account down, and it may well be that I return to it some day, but for now I’ve had enough. I first started tweeting in early 2009, frustratingly just one month […]
If you go down to the woods…
Tomorrow, September 12th, sees the publication of my first standalone novel, Broken Ghosts. I am equal parts proud and terrified, although copies have already been spotted in the wild and a few good reviews have popped up here and there. Broken Ghosts is not like any of my other books, so I don’t have the […]
Floofs, mostly
Linen Change!
Broken Ghosts
The news is out! The lovely people at Wildfire Books have taken on the task of publishing my odd little standalone novel, Broken Ghosts. It’ll be out in September, so more details in due course. For now, here’s the press release in The Bookseller –
Kirkcaldy here we come
Another event to add to the list for the For Our Sins book tour. I’ll be chatting away in Waterstones Kirkcaldy on Tuesday, March 5th. Kick off at 7pm. Come along if you’re in the area, why don’t you? Tickets and details here:
The 2023 calves were weaned on Thursday, and are still loudly vocalising their unhappiness at this state of affairs. We bring the calves down to the shed at weaning, as in previous years they have proven adept at getting under, over or simply through fences as they try to find their mums again. The mums […]
Biscuits and Hay
Feeding time on a cold and blustery Friday morning. That’s Tiny Irene at the start (she smol), and young Lewis wearing his food like a toddler.