Linen Change!
The 2023 calves were weaned on Thursday, and are still loudly vocalising their unhappiness at this state of affairs. We bring the calves down to the shed at weaning, as in previous years they have proven adept at getting under, over or simply through fences as they try to find their mums again. The mums […]
Biscuits and Hay
Feeding time on a cold and blustery Friday morning. That’s Tiny Irene at the start (she smol), and young Lewis wearing his food like a toddler.
End of an era
Today I have had to say goodbye to my black Patterdale terrier, Tegid. Technically my partner’s dog, he has been pretty much my constant companion for the past thirteen and a half years. I bought him for her birthday, back in July 2010. We’d not long lost our previous Patterdale, Mortimer, and missed having a […]
So that was 2013
I don’t think I’ve ever done a review of the year before. Mostly it’s been about tying up loose ends before saying goodbye to the old and hello to the new. But 2013 has been such a ride, I feel it needs looking back at, just to be sure it really happened. 2012 was itself […]
Cross-posting from over at Sir Benfro again… They say trouble comes in threes. I’m not sure who they are, and if I ever find out I’ll probably punch them on the nose, but they appear to be right, at least this time. A little history. Almost three years ago now, I moved up to Fife […]
Killing Time
Cross-posting from over at the Sir Benfro blog: It’s been far too long since I’ve posted anything here. I expect no one looks any more, and the RSS Readers will probably have given up too. The problem is, life got just too busy to blog. I’ve started about a dozen posts in the last three […]
Look! I’m on the telly!
Those lovely people at BBC Scotland came out to the farm and interviewed me about my books. Of course, it wasn’t enough to just film me at my desk, where I write. No, they had to come outside and get shots with the livestock too. Those lucky sheep got about three times as much feed […]
Real Scots read The Record
Those lovely people at The Daily Record interviewed me earlier in the week, and photographed me with my sheep and cows. The result is a very good article indeed in today’s paper. If you’re in Scotland, go out and buy a copy – they’ll be worth a fortune when I’m famous. If you don’t live […]