Another event to add to the list for the For Our Sins book tour. I’ll be chatting away in Waterstones Kirkcaldy on Tuesday, March 5th. Kick off at 7pm. Come along if you’re in the area, why don’t you? Tickets and details here:

For Our Sins – Book Launch!
It’s getting close to publication day for the thirteenth Inspector McLean novel. Are you excited yet? I’ll be launching the book at Waterstones West End in Edinburgh on publication day – Thursday 15th February. If you’re in town that day, why not come along? Details and tickets here.

Bury Them Deep – Book Tour
Yes, it’s time for another book! In this case, Inspector McLean book ten – Bury Them Deep. Hardback, eBook and Audio editions will be published on February 20th, which isn’t all that long now. By way of drumming up interest in the book, I’m doing a mini-tour. Tenth book, so ten nights. Check out the […]
Where to find me…
A few events and signings for the new year and the launch of Inspector McLean book nine – Cold As The Grave. Thursday February 7th – 6.00 pm: Wokingham Library, Denmark Street, Wokingham, RG40 2BB. I’ll be talking about the new book, reading a bit and answering questions. For tickets contact Heather Dyson on 0118 […]
Testing time again
Please ignore this post if you see it, although if you do see it I’ll be very pleased because it will mean the bloody website’s working again. This should appear in Events and the general blog. Here’s hoping.
The Darkness is Gathering…
The observant among you will have noticed that there’s a new Inspector McLean book coming out on January 25th. To mark the launch of The Gathering Dark – book eight in the series – I will be doing a short signing and talking tour. Dates confirmed are as follows: Wednesday January 24th – Waterstones […]
It’s all happening now!
I’m all too aware that I’ve been neglecting this place of late. There never seems to be enough time in the day to do everything, and often it’s the website that gets overlooked. And so it is, the last post here was back in February. Sorry about that, but there are some interesting things coming […]
A few places you can find me…
So, the publicity for the new book is beginning to fall into place. There’s a launch event on publication day, February 23rd. Half six at Waterstones West End in Edinburgh. Tickets are free and available in store. I’ll be chatting with Russel D McLean about things and stuff. I’ll also be at Toppings in St […]
Written in Bones Launch!
The clock is ticking down now, and we’ll soon be launching the seventh (eek!) book in the Detective Inspector McLean series. Written in Bones sees Tony McLean investigating perhaps the most unusual case of his career, when the body of a man is found high up in the bare winter branches of a tree on […]
More places you will find me.
Rubbish as I am at updating these pages, I’ve been very remiss of late in telling you all where I will be and when. It’s quite possible that nobody really cares, of course. But just in case you do, here’s my schedule for the end of 2016 – the year that keeps on giving. Wednesday […]