Written in Bones Launch!

Cover image of Written in Bones by James Oswald

The clock is ticking down now, and we’ll soon be launching the seventh (eek!) book in the Detective Inspector McLean series. Written in Bones sees Tony McLean investigating perhaps the most unusual case of his career, when the body of a man is found high up in the bare winter branches of a tree on Edinburgh’s Meadows.

To celebrate the publication of the book, I will be appearing at Waterstones West End, Edinburgh – that’s 128 Princes Street if you’re unsure. I’ll be in conversation with Russel D McLean. Entry is free, and it all kicks off at half six in the evening.

Hopefully this time no one will try to set fire to the castle, like they did when we launched The Book of Souls…


There will be more events in the near future. Keep an eye out on this page for details, or follow my twitter and facebook feeds.

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