
The Golden Cage is here

There was a bit of a hiccup (hiccough?) earlier, when the book went live on Amazon but wasn’t available to buy. That’s been fixed now, and book three of The Ballad of Sir Benfro is available on the kindle. epub versions for nook, kobo etc., will be available soon. Keep your eyes peeled. The Golden […]

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Something for the Weekend, Sir?

It does seem rather strange to me that people will spend a thousand dollars or more on the latest MacBook Air, a hundred dollars a month on a broadband package, and yet refuse to pay for the music they listen to or the books they read. Pirating is theft, pure and simple, but it’s a […]

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Real Scots read The Record

Those lovely people at The Daily Record interviewed me earlier in the week, and photographed me with my sheep and cows. The result is a very good article indeed in today’s paper. If you’re in Scotland, go out and buy a copy – they’ll be worth a fortune when I’m famous. If you don’t live […]

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Look! I’m on the telly!

Those lovely people at BBC Scotland came out to the farm and interviewed me about my books. Of course, it wasn’t enough to just film me at my desk, where I write. No, they had to come outside and get shots with the livestock too. Those lucky sheep got about three times as much feed […]

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The Book of Souls is here!

After what seems like months, but is in fact only a few weeks, the waiting is finally over. Yes, you lucky people, the second in the Detective Inspector McLean series, The Book of Souls, is finally here. Available exclusively on Amazon kindle, at least for now, you can get your copy here: Amazon UK Amazon […]

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The Countdown Begins

  It’s been a while coming, but the wait is almost over. Advance copies of the second Inspector McLean book, The Book of Souls, have gone out to a lucky few. The formatting is almost done, the cover is ready. Just as soon as my beta readers have finished pointing out all the typos, it will […]

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I now have two (count them Two!) books available for your delectation over at the Amazon Kindle Store, and also on Smashwords. Natural Causes is the first of the Inspector McLean mysteries, set in an Edinburgh just ever so slightly different from the one you might think you know. Detective Inspector Tony McLean is just […]

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