Rubbish as I am at updating these pages, I’ve been very remiss of late in telling you all where I will be and when. It’s quite possible that nobody really cares, of course. But just in case you do, here’s my schedule for the end of 2016 – the year that keeps on giving. Wednesday […]
Everyone’s a winner, baby*
*well, not quite. More than five hundred of you entered the great competition to win signed editions of all six Tony McLean novels. I’d love to give you all a set, but sadly my publishers said that was too expensive. Thanks to everyone who entered – keep your eyes peeled for more competitions to come. […]
And yet more new stuff!
You lucky people, you! Day three of the big reveal and we have new covers for Prayer for the Dead and The Damage Done. What?! I hear you all cry. The Damage Done? But that had a new style cover for the hardback edition. Why are you changing it again? Well, the keen-eyed among you […]
More New Stuff!
Following on from yesterday’s post about the new look Detective Inspector McLean series book covers, here’s a sneak preview of books three and four. The Hangman’s Song: And Dead Men’s Bones: The reaction to yesterday’s reveal has been satisfyingly positive. I’m very pleased with the new look, so it’s nice to know that you […]
New Look!
It’s been three years now since Natural Causes came out in its lovely Penguin paperback edition. That little book has sold over 150,000 copies, been the Richard and Judy Summer Read, got me short-listed for the National Book Awards Newcomer of the Year and narrowly beaten at the Audible Crime Fiction awards by none other […]
Prayer for the Dead
UPDATE — NOW WITH NEW EVENTS! Yes, it’s almost time for the next book in the Inspector McLean series. Prayer for the Dead is published on February 12th here in the UK, and it’s the first time I’m going to be in hardback. I’ll be doing a mini-tour to promote the book, and signing […]
So tomorrow I will be boarding a plane at that Edinburgh Airport, heading for Heathrow and then on to Los Angeles. I have a short, LA-centric book schedule, culminating in a panel appearance at this year’s Bouchercon in Long Beach. Since it all starts very soon, I probably should have let the world know a […]
Prayer for the Dead
So here it is, the cover reveal for Inspector McLean book 5 – Prayer for the Dead. I still can’t quite believe I’ve written five of these now…
Dead Men’s Bones – Audio Version
A lot of people have been asking me when the audio version of Dead Men’s Bones would be available. All the other books have come out in this format at the same time as the paperback, but the rapid turnaround of manuscript – handed in at the beginning of January and out a scant 6 […]
Where I’m at – Nine Worlds, Loncon3, FantasyCon and Benfro
August is here already. How did that happen? I should have known, of course. It usually comes right after July. That doesn’t make things any easier though. I have finished the first draft of Inspector McLean book five – Ceremony – and that is a good thing. Unfortunately it’s only the first draft. I’d hoped […]